This term we have began to learn about how to write persuasive text. A emotive debate about cats started after a discussion in the library with Mrs Cameron. We took the debate back to class and looked at some Gareth Morgan videos. Here they are...
Gareth Morgan - cats
Gareth Morgan - cats video 2
Some of the class were strongly "for" cats and some "against". We decided to try and persuade each other about whether cats should be allowed in New Zealand as pets or at all.
As a class we have looked at some examples of persuasive texts and decided on some features/criteria about what makes an 'effective' persuasive text. Here is what we came up with:
Features of a Persuasive Text:
An introduction which says your argument
A main point in each paragraph
Ideas explaining each main point (P.E.E. paragraph = explain, elaborate, example)
Emotive language - words that indicate feelings
Personal opinions
P.E.E. technique
restate your argument in the conclusion
- persuasive sentence starters
We hope to post some of our writing on our blog in the coming weeks.