Thursday, 27 March 2014

I am learning to P.E.E. in my writing - have a main point/topic sentence as the first sentence, then I elaborate.

The Cascade Cliff
Here you will explore of the amazing history the Cascade Cliff at Tupare Gardens. The Cascade Cliff took 4 winters to build and some rocks from the Waiwhakaiho River made the stone in the Waterfall. The Cascade Cliff was named after a good friend of Russell Matthews his name was Cliff. The waterfall was made in winter because Russell Matthews had to build roads in the summer. The water flows when the tide of the river is high but when the tide of the river is low then it doesn’t flow as much water. The water from the river is the water from the Cascade Cliff so the Cascade Cliff’s water comes from the Waiwhakaiho river. The water flows underground to get to the Cascade Cliff. 

By Eliala

Cascade Cliffs Cascade Cliffs is a  small waterfall in Tupare Gardens. It was built in the winter because Russell Mathews had work in the summer. Cascade Cliffs took 4 winters to build. It got its name from Russell Mathews good friend who thought that Cascade Cliffs was a good name for a waterfall. The rocks from the waterfall came from the Waiwhakaiho River. There are rings of rocks with water in them what makes the Cascade Cliffs.

Here is a web sight to see the Cascade Cliffs:

By Emily

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting facts Emily. Waterfalls are fascinating and beautiful. Have younshaded that your sisters name is Cascade?